To everyone’s delight, Ranbir Kapoor will be seen playing his grandfather and legendary actor Raj Kapoor in a biopic that will be produced by Rishi kapoor under the family owned RK films banner.
A source close to the Kapoor family told Deccan Chronicle,
“It is the Kapoor khandaan’s most cherished dream project. They’ve wanted to make a biopic on Raj saab for the longest time. Until Ranbir became an actor they couldn’t think of anyone who could fit the bill. Now the project is finally gaining shape.”
The report also suggests that Randhir and Rishi are in hopes of reviving the dormant banner with this film.
It is a known fact that Ranbir Kapoor has been fascinated by Raj Kapoor’s films and has seen almost all of his films and knows them thoroughly. Reportedly, the brothers feel that no other actor could do justice to Raj Kapoor as Ranbir would.
A Kapoor member told Deccan Chronicle,
“Randhir and Rishi Kapoor would like to revive the banner with a biopic on Raj Kapoor. The brothers are in agreement. They feel Ranbir is the best person to play Raj saab.”