Masturbation is a truth of life. Guys do it, so do chicks. And it. Is. Glorious. And yet so many stories about this very human truth are locked inside the treasure chest of deep secrets we all have.
Well, these 10 bold souls revealed to BuzzFeed their masturbation secrets, and they make for very interesting reads, to say the very least.

“I still haven’t been able to reach orgasm, but I fully enjoy masturbation. I tend to start out by dimming the lights or turning off all but my computer screen. I look up GIFs/videos via Reddit’s many porn subs. I prefer very degrading, rough sex. From there I pretty much imagine myself as the subject getting pounded. I don’t even need to watch after a while. So long as I have an idea to work with, all I need is my imagination. Since I haven’t orgasmed yet (getting the Hitachi soon!) I stop when I suddenly lose interest. I can go for upwards of an hour if I have trouble getting to sleep.”

“It took me forever to figure out how to masturbate because all the solo porn I’d seen was just women daintily rubbing their clits or gently fingering themselves, and that did nothing for me. I have to get rough and ugly. We’re talking two vibrators, revved up to the highest vibration. One goes on my clitoris and the other one goes inside of me, and I hit it HARD with my palm with a steady fast rhythm so it’s like getting fucked. It probably looks rather aggressive and frightening from the outside, but it works.”

“I wait ‘til my husband leaves. Then I search for HD porn that usually involves lesbians, or gang bangs. It takes me about one minute with my Hitachi Wand. Then I’ll make coffee and feed the cats.”

“My favourite place to masturbate is in the shower with the shower head. I turn down the lights and start my shower hot so the bathroom is nice and steamy. I change my shower head setting so the flow is steadier and cooler. I keep that shower head on my clit. The pressure from it feels amazing and I can orgasm in less than five minutes. The best orgasms are the ones where I temporarily go blind and the shower head does just that.”

“I masturbate to music. It’s the most incredible feeling to find a song that has a build-up and having an orgasm as the music drops is the most intense feeling ever! Far better than any orgasm I have without. I can’t get off to every song — it takes time to find out what works and what doesn’t.”

“Sometimes I like to masturbate in the stalls of a busy bathroom at my university. There is something thrilling about the possibility of someone knowing what I am doing, so it is fun to do it when the bathroom is really busy. There are even tallies in some stalls for fellow anonymous masturbators to keep track of how often we cum there.”
It does take a lot of balls (I just had to say it) to disclose secrets such as these. Do you have any? I dare you to tell us.
Sexy designs by Rohit Jakhu
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