Claiming threat to his life in Tihar Jail, JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar, arrested on sedition charges, on Thursday directly approached the Supreme Court for bail which it will hear on Friday.
In the petition, filed through advocate Anindita Pujari, Kumar, who was attacked on Wednesday in the Patial House court complex by a group of lawyers, claimed his innocence. He has submitted that there is a threat to his life and there was a need for the apex court to intervene for safeguarding his life and limb.
Kumar said no purpose would be served by keeping him in the jail as the police has been finding it difficult to produce him even in the court. There was no need for his custodial interrogation as he has already been sent to judicial custody, he contended.
His bail petition was mentioned before a bench of justices J Chelameswar and A M Sapre by senior advocate Soli J Sorabjee and Raju Ramachandran who wanted it to be heard on Thursday itself. However, when the bench suggested that they would consider it on Friday, they agreed.
(Feature Image Source: Twitter)