You! Yes you! Stop right there! Did you know that dimples are a genetic flaw?

That’s right. The beauty mark we’ve all grown up admiring is actually the result of faulty genetics. The depression on the side of your face is a result of the subcutaneous connective tissue changing during the earlier stages of physical development.
It’s kinda messed up on an evolutionary level that we idolize what is essentially a deformation, innit?
It’s not really a recessive gene as much as it is a single flawed gene that causes dimples to appear on your face. But it’s trickier than that. A persons parents might both have dimples, yet that doesn’t ensure that they would have them as well. You can read more about the way it works over here.

Interestingly enough, another myth about dimples is that they appear in pairs.
This too is not true. There are quite a few cases of individuals who have just one dimple, like Rajesh Khanna for instance.

The point is that it may be exactly the opposite of what we thought; having dimples is a genetic variation while not having them may be considered the biological norm.