Films aren’t just meant for entertainment. If done well, they are food for the soul. They don’t always have to be dramatic either. Some films can be simple and charming and connect with us on a much deeper level. Dear Zindagi is one such film. It is a love letter to life that was waiting to be written. And we’re glad that director Gauri Shinde found order in all the chaos that we live with every day.
Dear Zindagi has some beautiful life lessons to offer and with no spoilers, here are 5 such lessons from the film that will stay with you for a long time.
1. Don’t choose the tough path just because you have to.
We’re conditioned to believe that to achieve our dreams, we must go through hardships. Unless we go through a difficult struggle, we won’t achieve the ultimate prize. But that’s not always the case. Choose a path that you feel comfortable with, even if it’s the easier one.

2. There’s no such thing as the ‘perfect partner’.
We look for a partner who is just ‘perfect’ and we know, that’s just too much pressure. We don’t have these perfect expectations from friends, so why pressurize yourself to find that perfection in a partner? We know we’re not perfect either!

3. Don’t judge yourself. And don’t let others judge you.
Don’t judge yourself or let anybody else judge you if you can’t stay in a relationship. It’s only you who knows if it isn’t working out. We’re all looking for someone special & it’s not always possible to find them in the first try.

4. Don’t stay in a relationship if you’re suffering.
Don’t suffer if you’re not comfortable in the relationship just because you’re afraid to hurt your partner. If you’re suffering, the relationship will doom anyway.

5. Parents are people too. Don’t judge them too harshly for their mistakes.
We expect our parents to act in a god-like perfect way. But if we manage to see beyond the relationship, they’re people too. They will sometimes make mistakes and once we realise that, it’s easier for us to understand and accept their actions.