Earlier this year, Rohit Khandelwal won the title of Mr World, becoming the first Asian man to do so. Following his footsteps is Vishnu Raj S Menon from Bengaluru, who just bagged the Mr. India World title. 

Menon was crowned as Peter England Mr India World by Hrithik Roshan while Viren Barman and Altamash Faraz, both from Delhi, were announced as the first and the second runners-up, respectively, at the finale.

India Today

As many as 16 contestants from all over India were mentored by eminent personalities from the fashion and film industry of India and went through intensive grooming sessions to win the pageant.


In fact, Hrithik Roshan appreciated the dedication of all the contestants in an address to TOI:

“I am very inspired. This competition is not just about looks. This shows lots of characters. These people, while doing their jobs, took out time and disciplined themselves to reach this far. I think that is commendable. I think, if they can achieve this, they can achieve whatever they want in life” 

Rohit Khandelwal passed down his ‘crown’ to Menon after a tough competition from others at a star-studded event.

India Today

Here’s hoping Vishnu Raj Menon will make us just as proud as his predecessor!