A veteran of a 100 movies, Robert De Niro is one of the movie greats with shiny Academy awards to prove it. He impressed us as a young Vito Corleone with a purposeful demeanour and an authentic Sicilian dialect in Godfather 2, which bagged him the Academy award for Best Supporting actor. His performances are raw and chilling in Taxi Driver and Cape Fear, both psychological thrillers. He was catapulted to fame for his brilliant “You talkin’ to me?” monologue as Travis Bickle. His portrayal of Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull and Max Cady in Cape Fear are a must-watch. So here are a few his famous lines, which will make you want to watch all his movies all over again.

What an actor. *slow clap*

These awesome creatives are by Utkarsh Tyagi.