Mother’s love is universal. But, when we are talking about desi maa ki mamta, it is something more than just love. Always taking care of us, keeping us before herself and making sure that we eat our food on time, desi moms have a different way to show their unconditional love for us.


From putting a kaala teeka behind your ear to banging the remote control multiple times rather than changing batteries, there’s no doubt that desi moms are also abso-fucking-lutely savage. With their rib-tickling one-liners to their sass, there’s simply nobody like a desi mom.

GQ India

And today, we have compiled some tweets that prove nobody can ever be as savage as them. So, grab that bucket of popcorn and check out the tweets that truly define savage desi moms!

This is how a simple conversation with desi moms can go.

You know your desi mom is savage AF if you can relate to these tweets.

Mute you family group, but never, I repeat NEVER, exit it.

Solution for every problem according to desi moms: STOP USING THE GODAMN PHONE!

You know you are desi when you have a dabba full of oregano and chilli flakes!

Mothers are nothing but a blessing in disguise and these tweets are proof!