Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. Anyone who says otherwise is either living under a rock or has some vendetta against Reynolds, which is actually quite understandable. Despite being a Canadian, Reynolds is not a nice person. I’m sure, for all intents and purposes, he wholeheartedly agrees with the sentiment.
Coming back to the point, Reynolds is the infamous Merc with a mouth in real life. You don’t have to believe me, just pay attention to his any antics.
1. Both Reynolds and Deadpool have names that roll off your tongue.
Ryan Rodney Reynolds and Wade Winston Wilson. Co-incidence? We think not!

2. He has the best tips to get the Deadpool body!
Travel back in time 38 years. Kindly remind my father to have that third beer. Then for God’s sake, look away. https://t.co/gtUYD6hsGl
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) April 18, 2015
3. Do you know how he breathes in that gorgeous red suit?
Hear it from the horse’s mouth.
He breathes through his penis. Everybody knows that. Please read the comics before posting. https://t.co/2vuBUFDYVd
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) April 7, 2015
4. Remember that time, when he interviewed himself?
Talk about the 4th wall in real life. How the fuck does that even work?
5. You know who the sexiest man alive is, according to Ryan Reynolds?
It’s his wife, Blake Lively.

6. Oh, and the man has the best idea for a book on good parenting!
Why are we not surprised?

7. And he has the best answers to his daughter’s innocent questions.
On our 6am walk, my daughter asked where the moon goes each morning. I let her know it’s in heaven, visiting daddy’s freedom.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) October 16, 2016
8. When he summed up what all new parents go through.
No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 7, 2016
9. Long live the birthday wishes!
10. When he got real honest about how he felt about his wife after their daughter was born.
11. He loves chimichangas and he is very specific about it.

12. The man is a good father and is really appreciative of his daughter’s artistic abilities.
My daughter’s only 6 months old and already drawing. I’d hang it on the fridge but honestly, it’s absolute garbage.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) June 19, 2015
13. Oh, and the trip to Disneyland.
Went to Disneyland because my daughter’s obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She was so excitedwhen I got home and told her.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 30, 2017
14. Wow! That is something Deadpool himself would approve of.
My daughter loves being buried up to her neck in sand at the beach. Her little face lights upwhen I come back to get her the next day.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) July 16, 2017
15. And he had the best reply to the rumours about having marital problems.
I wish. I could use a little “me time”. https://t.co/S6kXFsWaMe
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) March 31, 2018
Anyone who disagrees should not wear brown pants to work today.