Imagine the world’s best tennis star asking people about recommending some Bollywood movies. 

Tennis 365

Actually, that’s what happened when Roger Federer tweeted asking for options other than the usual Aquaman and Avengers

Despite Federer fans trying their best to suggest the best ones out there, Federer tweeted again and this time he wanted suggestions just from Bollywood. 

Our desi Twitter of course went berserk with this one request from the God of Tennis and went ahead to advice Roger in their own unique ways. 

While some jumped straight to banter with the king. 

Others went a step ahead to point out how Federer resembles Indian actor Arbaaz Khan. 

Thankfully there were many who wasted no time and jumped straight to business. 

Though there were a lot of suggestions, might be hilarious if Federer actually decides to watch one of the Arbaaz Khan movies.