Work from home is great, right? Boss isn’t around to oversee, colleagues aren’t around to annoy, you can watch Netflix on the side, you can totally not bathe, not brush.
Etc, etc, etc.
This is what it means for most of us.
This is how we waste it.
Guys, while you’re at home from work, you can use this time to be productive by:
— shankle mi nankle (@chrstnwhtly) March 17, 2020
1. Adding all those memes you saved to the meme folder. Your memes are aged now and;
2. Deleting those old pictures of your ex. Wont be needing those again.
Now, I am no achiever myself to lecture anyone else but I did come across this interesting story about Sir Isaac Newton who wrote path-breaking papers on Optics, Calculus AND Gravity while working from his home during a plague in 1965.
In 1665, the University of Cambridge temporarily closed due to an outbreak of the bubonic plague.
— Ken Banks (@kiwanja) March 12, 2020
As a result, Isaac Newton had to work from home. He used the time to develop calculus and the theory of gravity.
Beat that. #CoronavirusPandemic #WorkFromHome #InterestingFacts
If reports from Washington Post are anything to be believed, he did in fact come up with these concepts/laws/studies while he was forced to be at home – and that is just mid-boggling.
It’s like an apple just hit my head.
Imagine, in the 2 years he couldn’t go to college, he changed the way the entire human race was going to look at things, for centuries. In some cases, forever.
Cambridge in 1665, when plague swept the UK, Cambridge University instructed to work from home.
— Dr Manoj Dora (@manojkdora) March 14, 2020
Isaac Newton, during that time created equations that led to theory on gravity, saw that famous apple drop from the tree. Hope this reflective time ahead help solving global challenges
Oh, and if it makes things any better, he was 22 at the time (Ugh, I don’t want to play this game. I am going home…oh wait).
Now that I think I have given you an existential crisis, let us look at how exactly Isaac Newton did it.
Calculus as we know it, is the result of him continuing on his papers that he started writing during his time at the Cambridge University.
in 1665, Cambridge University closed for two years because of the Great Plague. Isaac Newton worked from home in Woolsthorpe in his “annus mirabilis”. He developed his theories on calculus, optics, and the law of gravitation. And what am I going to work on today :-)?
— Eva Blechova (@EvaBlechova) March 14, 2020
For his theories on optics, he got small prisms and apparently made a hole in his shutters to study light.
As for gravity, well, there was an apple tree right in front of his window. Enough said.
In 1665, following an outbreak of bubonic plague, Cambridge University closed, forcing Isaac Newton to “work from home” where he made major discoveries in gravity and calculus.
— Rob Szczerba (@RJSzczerba) March 12, 2020
What extraordinary things will you accomplish in the next few weeks?#CoronavirusPandemic
In 1967, he went back to Cambridge with his work, and the rest is history.