As long as there is social media, people will post stupid things on a daily basis. And on most days, nobody will do much about it. But every now and then, some brave knights rise to the occasion and absolutely destroy them. This post celebrates such moments.
1. As relevant as anything could be right now.
2. Oh ho ho ho ho! Legends speak of a faint cry people can still hear outside Andy’s bedroom.
3. If you don’t know who Kevin Sorbo is, it’s alight. He used to be famous when dinosaurs walked around. But he doesn’t believe in them either.
4. Well well well…
5. Oh poor Andrew didn’t have a good night that day, did he?
6. Old but gold!
7. Repeat after me, “Oil companies have no moral authority over anyone.”
8. Shrek’s the man!
9. Welcome to homelessness, my dear.
10. Is that the hill you really want to die on? I mean, you could always live on Mars. That planet will kill you without much help.
10. Is that the hill you really want to die on? I mean, you could always live on Mars. That planet will kill you without much help.
12. Oh dude. It’s alright. We ain’t homophobic.
13. Oh shit! Self burns are rare.
14. The hero we deserved and needed. My man!
15. Self burn again! Today must be a good day.
16. Geddit geddit?
17. Now, we feel bad for Mike. Cos either he didn’t have any friends. Or the American education system screwed him over.
18. Hey, Murica. Just stop.
Well, good day, then. Work hard and maybe someday you’ll also truly own someone on Twitter.
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