Demonetisation has taken the entire nation by storm. We’re all either going cashless or we’re stuck in long queues at banks for hours on end. We’re speaking of crowds like banks have never seen before. You know what we’re talking about.

While the rest of the nation is busy debating whether or not banning the ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes was a good move on Modi’s part in these very long-ass queues, the ingenious people of Kerala have come up with a way to stay in bank lines and chill all at once.

They’ve decided that instead of this waiting-in-line nonsense, they will let a piece of paper do the standing for them while they chill out somewhere nearby.

The trend is obviously spreading through the state ’cause people seem to be doing it everywhere.

And everyone who’s heard of it is raving about the clever little fix. Twitter simply couldn’t get enough of it.

Meanwhile, the Keralites that are meant to be standing in a bank line are having idlis at a nearby chill-station. (I’m mallu so I’m allowed to make that joke.)

People of Kerala, you guys truly know what’s up.