Let’s think back for a moment. To a time when we didn’t all have smartphones and PlayStations and stuff. When going out and socialising with the other colony ke bacche was our only source of entertainment, and boy was it entertaining!
1. Pakdam Pakdai
The classic game of tag that we all loved so much.

2. Oonch neech ka paapda
Basically the desi version of ‘the floor is lava’.

3. Chhupan chhupai
Hide and go seek, except here we all thought for years that ‘I spy’ was actually ‘ice-pice’.

4. Gallery
One of the funnest games ever, but the one trouble in life was that we never had enough people to play it!

5. Pitthoo
Topple ’em over, and then stack ’em back up again. Sounds simple enough, but pitthoo pros know that it was anything but.

6. Poshampa bhai poshampa
Walk from under the arms bridge that two kids made and try not to get caught with those daunting last words, ‘Ab toh jail mein jaana padega’.

7. Chain chain
Next level pakdam pakdai. Always epic. Unless you had a damn slow poke holding your hand!

8. Book cricket
One of the best pass-times for every single free period we’ve ever had in school.

9. Doctor doctor solve the problem
Stand in a circle, get entangled amongst yourselves and then bring out the poor den to clean up your mess. Good times.

10. Dark room
Chhupan chhupai on crack. This was scary and thrilling all at once. No slumber party was complete without it.

11. Stapoo
Yes, yes, some call it hopscotch too. But stapoo was a staple on the school grounds, in the colony park, sometimes even inside the house if you were bold enough to move some furniture out of the way.

12. Vish amrit
Vish amrit (or lock and key, as some may know it), was the less scary version of pakdam pakdai. ‘Cause even if you got out, someone could save you.

13. Name, place, animal, thing
Name, place, animal, thing was a game for the ages and it was because it could be played regardless of whether the teacher was present or not. Never missed an opportunity to go, ‘tick tick 1, tick tick 2…’

14. Pen fight
The legendary battles between two chosen valiant pens was all our days at school were about.

15. Beech ka bandar
The game’s point was kind of being a dick to this one guy. But meh, I guess that’s why it was so popular. We all had someone in our groups whose leg we desperately wanted to pull.

16. Cut the cake
This was pakdam pakdai for loyal mofos. The den’s after your buddy? Go run across from between them and the den will then have to chase you. Friend of the year.

17. Dog and the bone
One of the best team sports our mohalla ever saw. The excitement, the camaraderie, the hanky on the ground. It was the stuff of history.

18. Goldspot
Don’t let anyone step on you. That’s a lesson that goldspot taught a lot of us.

19. Tippy-tippy-tap
Which colour do you want? It was as tough a choice then as it is now.

20. London statue
Ain’t nobody that don’t remember playing this at a birthday party. Yes, the same birthday party where the mums put chhole bhature, chips and cake on the same plate.

21. Koklachi paaki
A sneaky kid would drop a hanky behind you and it was now up to you to catch that SOB. This was a game of pure revenge.

22. Raja mantri chor sipahi
Sometimes you’re just the chor, that gets no points, for no reason. One of our earliest reality checks in life.

23. Dots
Join the dots, make a box. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, many a friendship has fallen prey to this violent game of line-drawing.

24. Chinese whispers
There weren’t any winners or losers in Chinese whispers, per say. The unstoppable, infectious giggles throughout the game was everyone’s prize.

25. Jolly
You didn’t think we’d leave out jolly, did you? Draw a little charm on your wrist somewhere and keep it on for days, even weeks at a time. We lived for that stuff.

26. Flames
We all remember this one. The results of which some of us are still holding on to.

27. London Bridge
Sing the song and hope for the best!

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