We live in a world where, let’s just say, there is no dearth of shit to protest. Since the beginning of modern civilisation, there has been and always will be something that people don’t agree with. And when we don’t agree, we get out there and make some noise. And the whimsy in us all has strange ways of expressing itself. For many, it happens at these very protests, on their very signs.

Here are 25 protest signs that will make you LOL regardless of how you feel about the millions of issues around the world.

1. Raising some important questions.


2. Let’s face it.


3. Granny’s sick of protesting.


4. The immigrants’ evil plans – ruined and revealed.


5. I’d be more afraid of McDonald’s than Islam, if I were American.


6. Merely an observation.


7. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all wives are scary.


8. Our demands are simple.


9. Uh… Makes sense..?


10. Oh, I’m with you on that, brutha!


11. Amen!


12. I don’t want to sound melodramatic, but…


13. Oh no you didn’t!


14. A rather literal representation of losing one’s patience.




16. Laugh at the idiots in Congress, and employ a man. Two birds with one stone! Well, done, sign!


17. I wonder why…


18. Who’s going to be the one to break it to him?


19. I’m SO angry… I’m SOOOO angry…


20. This is the truth. I don’t even know what they’re protesting, but it’s the damn truth.


21. Some very pertinent points being made here.


22. The Dude really knows how to protest the shit outta something.




24. Fact. This Sucks. Fact. I have decided how I feel about this. Fact…


25. Whatever the crowd’s grievance, this is the man I truly sympathise with.


26. Bro…

As fucked up as our world is, it’s encouraging to see that people will never give up fighting for what they believe in. But what’s even more amazing, is that they do it with the whimsical hilarity of weirdos… ‘Cause ain’t nobody can deny that that’s all we all really are – delightful, awesome weirdos.