Human beings are weird. We often get bizarre “what if” ideas about making a difference the world. Some are so intellectual that they can be qualified in a UPSC interview and well some are dumb, really dumb.
Moved by a similar thought, a curious Twitter user asked the internet what’s the dumbest idea people ever had, that might actually turn out smart enough to make this world a better place. Look at the responses below!
1. *Looking for my pen to sign this petition.*
an “I’m sorry” horn for when you’re driving and you know you messed up. 70% of road rage would be eliminated!
— Rev. Hannah Kardon (@hannahkardon) July 17, 2019
2. Seems like a masterplan.
Legalize ALL drugs and put a federal tax on them. Use that money to tripple teacher’s income and help fund medicare for all. The cartel’s would have to clean up their image to survive. Addicts wouldn’t have to steal. Prisons could be cleared for actual bad guys…win win
— MoreScienceLessDogma (@funnicuzitstrue) July 18, 2019
3. Because double tapping the buttons don’t work everywhere.
You should be able to press and depress buttons in an elevator so you can undo it if you press the wrong one.
— Katie Adams (@KatieHAdams) July 17, 2019
4. Ouch.
In retail, you can meet the customers rudeness level. You want to talk to the manager, Karen? Yeah well I want to talk to the hairdresser who gave you that awful haircut.
— Frankie Vigil (@Fraaankdog) July 19, 2019
5. Everybody should be held accountable for bad driving…even cyclists.
Cyclists having an Id plate and insurance. Also fined for jumping lights and other offences.
— SuperOcean (@SuperOcean42) July 20, 2019
6. More people would abide the traffic rules if this becomes a thing!
Smart traffic lights. So sick of sitting through a light when there is nobody else around. What a waste of time and gas.
— Beauxjangles (@DownBallotD) July 17, 2019
7. One queue will always be empty…you know which one.
ice cream stores should have two lines — one for people who want to try flavors, and one for people who know what flavor they want already
— Myles Tanzer (@mylestanzer) July 17, 2019
8. Both of us will be found screaming.
A doctor has to be able to feel my pain before telling me it’s not real enough
— kelsey (@lovefromkelsey) July 18, 2019
9. Is this too much to ask for?
Be nice to each other.
— Kal (@GoonerKal) July 18, 2019
10. Ends up getting the paycheck….in dreams.
Be nice to each other.
— Kal (@GoonerKal) July 18, 2019
11. Somebody give this man a Nobel Prize.
when you file your taxes, you get to choose what it funds and how much of it goes where
— Bob Sorokanich (@RSorokanich) July 17, 2019
12. At parties and everywhere else.
Illegal to talk about what you do for work at parties.
— Chris Barth (@BarthDoesThings) July 17, 2019
13. No more parking hustle.
We move up all the way when we park on the street so everybody has a spot
— a single mom who works two jobs (@comedindian) July 18, 2019
14. Wait…what?
Crop dust political protests with medical marijuana smoke.
— Maeve (@abitchingwitch) July 18, 2019
15. Social service at its best.
Every healthy non-elderly person collecting a government check should be required to fill two garbage bags per week with litter from our streets, parks, railroad tracks, waterways and roadsides. Turn in 8 at one time and you’re good for the whole month.
— Cheeman (@theCheeman) July 18, 2019
16. Beeping my way to make this a thing!
Honking costs a quarter.
— James (@Schtickzinger) July 17, 2019
You’ve read enough. Now shoot your ideas in the comments below!