Nobody comes even close to Shashi Tharoor in using complex English words. His vocabulary is unmatched. And getting validation from him is an achievement in itself.
This time the Congress MP made Chetan Bhagat’s day.
Earlier today, he posted an article written by Chetan Bhagat on Twitter and praised his writing.
Superb piece by @chetan_bhagat on all that ails our country & what we should do about it. Chetan’s great virtue is the simplicity and directness of his writing. His message is clear & I hope his fans in the government act on it.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) September 13, 2020
Elated to receive applause from Tharoor, Chetan Bhagat took to Twitter to thank him and requested if he could use some big words, like he always does.
Ok I still can’t get over this. The @ShashiTharoor has praised @chetanbhagat. I am floating.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) September 13, 2020
Just one request sir, next time can you use some big words to praise me, like ones that only you can do. Superb is nice but a big one would really make my day!
The Congress MP happily obliged and did what he is best at.
Sure, @chetan_bhagat! It’s clear you are not sesquipedalian nor given to rodomontade. Your ideas are unembellished with tortuous convolutions & expressed without ostentation. I appreciate the limpid perspicacity of today’s column.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) September 13, 2020
While it’s complicated to understand what he wrote, it’s not at all difficult to make memes. So, Twitter did what was easy.
I think i need “dictionaries” to decode it. 🙏🙏
— Rishabh Jain (@rishabh200018) September 13, 2020
Even @chetan_bhagat would need it. @ShashiTharoor . 😯😳🥱
Chetan Bhagat wud b scratching his head now @ShashiTharoor @chetan_bhagat .
— A S Krishna (@askrshn18) September 13, 2020
— Vivek Rabara (@VivekRabara) September 13, 2020
चेतन भगत :
— प्रोफेसर Raja babu 🥳🌈 (@GaurangBhardwa1) September 13, 2020
— I’m the Cat guy (@mtanz06) September 13, 2020
Damm😅 they're high on diction 😂 @ShashiTharoor @chetan_bhagat
— Shruti Pandey (@Shru_tu) September 13, 2020
Jokes and all are fine. Let’s talk English here.
Here’s the meaning of those big-ass words used by Shashi Tharoor. ‘Sesquipedalian’ means a word being polysyllabic, ‘Rodomontade’ is boastful, ‘convolutions’ means complex, ostentation means being pretentious, ‘limpid’ means clear and ‘perspicacity’ means to be shrewd.
I am sure Chetan Bhagat would be regretting making the request.