People on Reddit have the weirdest answers for everything and sometimes, they are quite a bit of revelation. Here, bosses of various organisations and teams tell the strangest things they have seen their juniors do and you have to read the replies to believe them.
1. A woman who stank of alcohol every day and explained it away as exotic perfume that no one had ever heard of. Not even google.
Answer source: Reddit

2. I was concerned about a young associate that did not show up for work and did not call out. After several unsuccessful attempts to reach him on the phone, he eventually answered and said he was too ill to come in. When asked why he didn’t call out he said “I did call…oh wait…maybe I dreamed I called”.
Answer source: Reddit
3. Not me, as such, but my father had an employee once who was pretty strange. He had lots of little odd quirks that everyone put up with until one day he declared he was quitting his job to become a pirate – and promptly left to go live by the coast.
Answer source: Reddit

4. Had a guy stand up and announce “I’m off to Hollywood!” and leave the office. We never saw him again.
Answer source: Reddit
5. (An employee) used to claim he street raced his car. There was no street racing going on for miles and miles from where he lived.
Answer source: Reddit

6. One server I used to work with would eat food off of people’s plates after they were done even if the food was half-eaten of the shake and been drank out of.
Answer source: Reddit
7. Saw a server in my restaurant combing her hair with a fork during service in a dining room full of customers.
Answer source: Reddit

8. Walked to the back of the shop and saw this guy staring at our ceiling. I asked what he was doing, he replied “How many ceiling tiles do you think are in here?” in a dead pan voice, without looking down. I just walked off. Was so glad when he left at the end of the season.
Answer source: Reddit
9. I caught a guy chugging a pint of vodka behind the back door. He was fired instantly, then he got pissed off and didn’t understand why he was fired.
Answer source: Reddit

10. I had a server at a restaurant dump an entire 5-gallon Lexan container full of chili paste over her head so she could get out of work that morning.
Answer source: Reddit
11. This was a very busy environment so an employee just piled up boxes in front of her under her desk in the main area (think cubicle style) and hid.
Answer source: Reddit

12. I’ve seen an anesthesiology OR-assistant alt+tab away from the ecg, heart rate, saturation, and blood pressure readings to check Facebook, during surgery.
Answer source: Reddit

That person really quit to become a pirate. That’s not so bad, no?