As April rolls around, the air seems to fill with mischief and mirth, thanks to the playful tradition of April Fool’s Day. Whether you’re a parent looking to surprise your children with some playful pranks or a sibling eager to lighten the mood with good April Fool’s jokes, April Fool’s Day offers endless possibilities for creating cherished memories together.
In this article, we’ve curated a collection of 100+ April Fool jokes, tailored for everyone. Let the digital pranks begin!
Good April Fools Jokes
Get ready to explore a variety of good April Fools jokes that are sure to bring smiles to the faces of everyone involved.
1. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?
Because he got a hole-in-one!

2. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

3. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
They don’t have the guts!

3. Why should you avoid the stairs on April Fools’ Day? Because they’re always up to something.
4. How many fools does it take to change a lightbulb? Four. One to hold the bulb and three to turn the chair.
5. What’s a prankster’s favorite dessert? Fool’s gold cake!
6. “Why don’t scientists trust atoms on April Fools’ Day? Because they make up everything!”
7. “What do you call a fish who loves to play pranks? A practical jokerfish!”
8. “Why did the tomato turn red on April Fools’ Day? Because it saw the salad dressing!”
9. “What’s a prankster’s favorite instrument? The fool-proof piano!”
10. “What did one spring flower say to the other? “Girl, you really got me growing.”
11. “What do you call a belt made out of watches? A waist of time – perfect for a time-travel prank!”
12. “Why did the bicycle fall over on April Fools’ Day? Because it was two-tired of standing up!”
13. “What’s a jokester’s favorite type of tree? A prankster’s palm – it’s always ready to give a high-five!”
14. What do you call a group of bunnies hopping away from you? A receding hareline.
15. Why shouldn’t you tell ducks jokes on April Fools’ Day? They’ll quack up.
16. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Spring wasn’t bad either.
17. What did the mama cow say to her baby after he stayed up too late on April Fools’ Day? “It’s pasture bedtime.”
18. Why don’t eggs play April Fools’ pranks? They might crack each other up.
19. What kind of shoes do frogs wear when spring comes? Open-toad.
20. Why don’t chickens play pranks on April Fools’ Day? They don’t engage in fowl play.
Also Read: Story Behind April Fool’s Day
Simple April Fool Jokes
21. I found the perfect alarm clock for heavy sleepers! It’s called the ‘Out-of-Bed 3000’. It throws you out of bed in the morning!

22. Did you know you can make invisible ink at home? Just write your message with lemon juice and heat it in the microwave. April Fools! But it works!

23. Just heard the weather forecast for tomorrow: 90% chance of marshmallow rain and chocolate snowflakes! Pack your hot cocoa! Happy April Fools’ Day!

24. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
26. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!
27. What did one plate say to the other plate? Dinner’s on me!
Also Read: April Fool Pranks on Boyfriend
28. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems!
29. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!
30. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
31. What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta!
32. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one!
33. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two-tired!
34. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!
35. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
36. What did one plate say to the other plate? Dinner’s on me!
37. What’s brown and sticky? A stick!
38. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
39. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!
40. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
Also Read: Easy Prank Ideas
April Fool Jokes for Friends
Get ready to unleash your mischievous side and watch as your friends fall for your playful antics. Let’s dive in and explore a variety of April Fool Jokes for Friends guaranteed to keep everyone laughing on this day.
41. Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged!

42. Why don’t librarians like to laugh? Because it’s always overdue!

43. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

44. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the park? They woke up!
45. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
46. How do you organize a space party? You planet!
47. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? It was feeling crumbly!
48. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
49. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
50. What did one wall say to the other wall? “I’ll meet you at the corner!”
51. What did the ocean say to the shore? Nothing, it just waved!
52. Why do omelets love April Fools’? They enjoy practical yolks.
53. What kind of pickles do spring flowers like? Daffo-dills.
54. What do bees use to fix their hair? Honeycombs.
55. What did the calendar say after April Fools’ was declared a holiday? “Prank you, prank you very much.”
56. What do you call a sunny day that follows two rainy April days? Monday.
57. What do storm clouds wear under their pants? Thunderwear.
58. How did the skeleton know that April showers were on the way? He could feel it in his bones.
59. What does a rainbow do when it gets a paper cut? Yell, “Ow!”
60. What did the tree say when spring finally arrived? What a re-leaf.
Also Read: Harmless Pranks
April Fool Jokes for Whatsapp
Get ready to unleash your creativity and spread some smiles with a collection of witty, funny, and downright hilarious April fool jokes for WhatsApp that will surely have everyone laughing out loud. Let the digital pranks begin!
61. Send a message saying, “Oops! Looks like my keyboard is broken… I can only type in uppercase. IT SEEMS LIKE I’M SHOUTING ALL THE TIME! Oh wait, April Fools!”

62. Share a message saying, “Wow, WhatsApp just released a bunch of new emojis, including a unicorn riding a scooter and a dancing avocado! Check them out in the latest update… April Fools! But wouldn’t that be cool?”

63. Send a voice message saying, “Hey, listen to this amazing trick I learned! If you play this message backward, you’ll hear a secret message… April Fools! But try it anyway and see if your friends fall for it!”

64. Why was the broom late? It swept in!
65. How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!
66. Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay? Because then they’d be called bagels!
67. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!
68. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school? Spelling!
69. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved!
70. What’s a tree’s least favorite month? Sep-timber!
71. Why was the belt arrested? For holding up a pair of pants!
72. Did you hear about the cloud that tried catching some fog? It mist.
73. How can you tell when April is happy? It has a little spring in its step.
74. Why is everyone so tired on April 1? Because they just finished a 31-day march.
75. What did the tree say to the new spring flower? I’m rooting for you.
76. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
77. What flower grows between your nose and chin? Two-lips.
78. Can February March? No, but April May.
79. Why was the flower late to school? It decided to stay in its bed.
80. What did one flower say to the other? Let’s be buds.
Also Read: Simple April Fools Day Pranks
April Fool Jokes for Boyfriend
Get ready to share some laughs, make unforgettable memories, and celebrate the joy of being together with these delightful April fool jokes for your boyfriend!
81. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Warning: Terrible joke ahead, but it made me think of you!

82. Why did the dog sit in the shade? Because he didn’t want to be a hot dog! Just thought I’d share a little laughter with you today!

83. Why don’t penguins like talking to strangers at parties? Because they find it hard to break the ice! Hope this joke puts a smile on your face today!

84. What did one elevator say to the other elevator? “I think I’m coming down with something!”
85. Why did the broom go to bed? Because it was “sweepy”!
86. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
87. What goes up when April showers come down? An umbrella.
88. What do you call an Easter bunny with fleas? Bugs Bunny.
89. What kind of garden do bakers grow? Flour garden.
90. What do you get when you cross a dog and a tulip? A collie-flower.
91. What did one spring chicken say to the other? You’re egg-cellent.
92. Which monster loves April Fool’s Day? Prank-enstein.
93. Why is the letter “A” like a flower? A bee comes after it.
Also Read: April Fools Pranks Text Messages
94. What’s a baby chick’s favorite pasta dish? Eggplant parmesan.
95. Did you hear about the daisy that was excited for spring? It wet its plants.
96. I lost all my winter weight. Now I just have spring rolls.
97. When’s the best time to buy a trampoline? In the spring.
98. What did one spring flower say to the other? Be-leaf in yourself.
99. Why don’t flowers like to ride bicycles? They keep losing their petals.
100. What did summer say to spring? Help! I’m about to fall.
Also Read: How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day
April Fool Jokes for Family
Gather your loved ones, embrace the spirit of fun, and get ready to share some unforgettable moments with these heartwarming April fool jokes for family!
101. Send a message saying, “Hey everyone, I just discovered a new app that can turn everything upside down on your phone! Just tilt your device and watch the magic happen. April Fools! But wouldn’t that be fun?”

102. Text your family saying, “Guess what? I found this amazing potion that makes you invisible for 10 seconds! Just take a sip and try it out… April Fools! But imagine the pranks we could pull if it were real!”

103. Send a message saying, “I just found out our TV remote has a ‘voice control’ feature! You just have to shout ‘Channel Change!’ or ‘Volume Up!’ to make it work. Let’s see who falls for it first! April Fools!”

104. When shouldn’t you plant spring flowers? When you haven’t botany.
105. Did you hear about the successful florist? Business is positively blooming.
106. How can you tell if a plant is good at math? It has square roots.
107. April Fools’ Day is like a huge open mic night: Millions of people go out of their way to demonstrate how unfunny they are.
108. What monster plays the most April Fools’ jokes? Prankenstein.
109. What do baseball teams and pancakes have in common? They both need a good batter.
110. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Anita. Anita who? Anita knows when April Fools’ Day is.
111. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Lena. Lena who? Lena is a bit closer and I’ll tell you.
112. Did you hear about the guy who swapped the labels on the pumps at the gas station? It was an April Fuels’ joke.
113. Excuse me, sir. Do you think they named April Fools’ Day in your honor?
114. Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mules’ Day.
115. You should know that no one understood it was an April Fool’s joke. No one expected you to have a sense of humor.
116. A and C were going to prank their friend … but they just letter B.
117. Which day of the year do monkeys like best? The first of Ape-ril.
118. Which day is the worst to propose? April Fools’ Day.
119. A couple of pranksters broke into the local police station and stole all the lavatory equipment. A spokesperson was quoted as saying, “We have absolutely nothing to go on.”
120. What’s a stepladder’s favorite holiday? April Stools’ Day.
April Fool Jokes for Crush
Whether you’re aiming to break the ice or simply want to share a moment of laughter, we’ve curated a list of delightful pranks and April fool jokes for a crush guaranteed to bring a smile.
121. Did you hear about the submarine that sank on April Fools’ Day? Someone left a window open.

122. What month of the year has 28 days? All of them.

123. How do you keep a fool in suspense? I’ll tell you the answer tomorrow.

124. What’s the April Fool’s lucky card in the deck? The Joker.
125. April Fools’ Day is the favorite holiday of which animal? The silly goose!
126. What do you call a realistic prankster? A practical joker.
127. A couple of pranksters broke into the local police station and stole all the lavatory equipment. A spokesperson was quoted as saying, “We have absolutely nothing to go on.”
128. Who needs April Fools’ Day when your whole life is a joke? April fools.
129. Who needs a day for the fools? I’m surrounded by them all year.
130. I’m going to pull an April Fools’ Day prank on my landlord by not paying rent. Just kidding—rent isn’t due today!
131. Wanna hear an April Fools’ Day joke about paper? Never mind—it’s wearable.
132. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Wooden shoe. Wooden shoe who? Wooden Shoe like to hear another April Fools’ joke?
133. I was going to tell a time-traveling joke for April Fools’ Day, but you didn’t like it.
134. What kind of rabbit tells April Fools’ jokes? A funny bunny.
135. I was going to tell you a pizza joke for April Fools’ Day, but it was too cheesy.
136. I have an April Fools’ Day joke about chemistry, but I don’t think it will get a reaction.
137. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo hoo? Don’t cry, April Fools will be back next year!
138. How does April Fools’ Day end? With a “Y,” of course.
139. April 1 means spring is here! I got so excited about it that I wet my plants.
140. I have a great April Fools’ joke about construction, but I’m still working on it.
April Fool Jokes for Husbands
From lighthearted antics to April fool jokes for husband, let’s explore how to turn this day of jest into a memorable celebration of love and laughter within the sanctity of marriage.
141. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Sofa. Sofa who? Sofa these have been pretty good April Fool’s jokes.

142. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Gwen. Gwen who? Gwen do you think you’re gonna prank me, let’s get it over with.

143. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Lenny. Lenny who? Lenny know when you’re done with these April Fools’ Day jokes.

144. What did the ghost say on April 1? April Ghoul’s Day!
145. What do you call Frank Sinatra on April 1? Prank Sinatra!
146. I was going to tell you an April Fools’ Day joke about an old plane, but I just don’t think it’ll fly today.
147. Babies born on March 31 are so easy to prank on April Fools’ Day. I mean, they were literally born yesterday.
148. What did the hammer say on April 1? April Tools’ Day!
149. How come flowers don’t like riding bicycles? They keep losing their petals.
150. I’d tell you this funny April Fools’ Day joke about my pencil, but it’s pointless.
151. I’ll tell you a funny April Fools’ Day joke about my guitar, but I’ll have to pull some strings.
152. I have a hilarious April Fools’ Day joke about sheep, but you might have herd it before.
153. How do you start a tough conversation on April 1? “If I may speak prankly…”
154. Did you hear about the successful flower company that moved into the building next door? Business is positively blooming.
155. I’m afraid of the calendar. Its days are numbered.
156. Did you hear that A and C from accounting were going to prank their friend? But instead, the letter B.
157. What is a stepladder’s favorite day of the year? April Stools’ Day!
158. My favorite April Fools’ Day prank is pretending I’m not scrolling Instagram when I should be working.
159. What do you say when it’s raining chickens and ducks on April Fools’ Day? We sure are having some fowl spring weather!
160. Why was the donkey annoying his coworker? Because it was April Mules’ Day!
April Fool Jokes for Girlfriend
Join us as we explore a myriad of endearing April fool jokes for girlfriends and jests tailored to captivate the heart of your beloved on this whimsical day of jest and merriment.
161. Why do bumblebees hum? They don’t know the words.

162. What has a bow but can’t be tied? A rainbow.

163. How can you tell if a plant is good at math? It has square roots.

164. What’s the difference between Thanksgiving and April Fools’ Day? On Thanksgiving, you’re thankful and on April Fools’ Day, you’re prankful.
165. What kind of jewelry should you give to someone on April 1? April Jewels, of course!
166. Which day of the year do monkeys love the most? The first of Ape-ril!
167. I was going to tell you an April Fools’ Day joke about sodium, but then I thought, Na, they won’t get it.
168. What’s a synonym for straightforward that you might use on April Fools’ Day? Prankly.
169. I don’t need April Fools’ Day—I’m surrounded by a bunch of jokers every day between 8 am and 3 pm.
170. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Otto. Otto who? You otto know April Fools’ is on April 1, as is your midterm exam.
171. What is a snake’s favorite subject? Hiss-tory.
172. Did you know bees become indecisive after April? They become May bees.
173. What do you call a screwdriver on April 1? An April Tool!
174. Joke’s on you, April Fools’ Day. I can be fooled any day of the year.
175. April Fools’ Day is a great day to pull pranks. Except on me, if you’re smart.
176. Why can April jump so high? It’s spring!
177. How can you tell when April is happy? It has a little spring in its step.
178. What do you call a sunny day that follows two rainy April days? Monday.
179. What’s one bone a prankster doesn’t want to break on April Fools’ Day? The humerus.
180. When shouldn’t you plant spring flowers? When you haven’t botany.
April Fool Jokes for Kids
Join us as we explore the magic of April Fool’s Day and discover how April fool jokes for kids can brighten even the dullest of days for our little pranksters.
181. I lost all my winter weight. Now I just have spring rolls.

182. When’s the best time to buy a trampoline? In the spring.

183. What did one spring flower say to the other? Be-leaf in yourself.

184. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
185. What do you call a tiger that drinks lemonade? A sour puss.
186. What do you call birds falling in love? Tweet hearts.
187. What do you write in a rabbit’s birthday card? Hoppy birthday!
188. Why is it so hard for a leopard to hide? Because it’s always spotted.
189. Why are fish so smart? They live in schools.
190. What did the birds call the owl telling jokes? Hoot-larious.
191. What type of snake ate all the desserts? A pie-thon.
192. What did the dog magician say? Lab-racadabra!
193. How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow? It’s one or the udder.
194. What do sea lions say when they hear a bad joke? That’s the seal-iest thing I’ve ever heard.
195. What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrele-phant.
196. What did the alpaca say when he wanted to go on a picnic? Alpaca lunch.
197. Why did the turkey join a band? So she could use her drumsticks.
198. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? An elephant’s shadow.
199. Who wears shoes while sleeping? A horse.
200. Why couldn’t the duck stop laughing? He was quacking up.
These Best April Fool Jokes present a golden opportunity to infuse a dash of humor and charm into the relationship.