Call me ugly and I’ll say thanks. But say something bad about my beard and I promise you, you’ll be running for your life. Whatever it is; good or bad, too much or too little, prosaic or imaginative, it’s mine. There are days when it grinds against my gears for being too much of a task and others when I whisper ‘I love you’ to it before sleeping. (Yes, I do, and you can’t stop me.) All in all, I love my beard as much as I hate it, and I’m pretty sure most bearded men feel the same way about theirs.
On that note, here are 8 truer-than-life illustrations that perfectly capture the love-hate relationships a man shares with his beard.
1. I may have to unwillingly share my soup with it sometimes…

2. But it does complete me.

3. As long as I have it, I’ll always look good…

4. Though, my morning routine is 45 minutes and I spend 30 of them working my beard.

5. It does get me the most radical compliments from the most radical people…

6. Plus, it totally makes me look like a scholar while I’m in deep thoughts…

7. Still, I hate how it gets all ‘frizzy’ on me at the worst times.

8. And when it’s time to shave, my beard turns me into an artist…

Design Credits : Utkarsh Tyagi and Puneet Gaur