While on one hand we’re living in an era where the Earth is running out of non-renewable resources and polar caps are melting, we also have people who turn a blind eye to the effects of climate change and human consumption.
To convince the skeptics, the environmental awareness platform Global Population Speak Out came out with a book full of powerful images showing the tragic state our planet is in. It’s titled Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot .
Here are some images from the book.
A surfer in the waves around Java, the world’s most populated Island
99% deforested National Williamette Forest in Oregon, USA
The Yellow River in Mongolia, so polluted that it’s difficult to breathe near it
The Ken River Oil Field in California has been exploited since 1899
The April 2010 oil platform fire near the Gulf of Mexico
Landfill in Bangladesh
These palm plantations in Indonesia were once rain forests
Burnt Amazonian jungle in Brazil. Yes, those are animals trying to escape the fire
World’s biggest excavator, Bagger 288, used to extract coal in Tagebau Hambach strip mine in Germany
Landfill in Accra, Ghana. Third world countries are where most of the world’s electronic waste ends up in
Mexico City, one that houses 20 million people
Carcass of albatross that ingested too much plastic. Somewhere in the Midway Islands in the North Pacific
Landscape covered in greenhouses in Almeria, Spain
Tar-rich region in Alberta, Canada, destroyed by over-mining
Enormous iceberg melting near Svalbard Island in Norway
The book is available on Amazon .
h/t Bored Panda .