This Couple Got Married 38 Times In 11 Countries… To Each Other

Swetambara Chaudhary

We are constantly hassled by societal norms in our lives. To get a degree, a job, get married. And we increasingly start losing ourselves in this monotony of life. But there are people who manage to stand apart in the way they choose to live their lives. Rhiann Woodyard and Cheetah Platt are two such amazing people.

The couple are acrobats from LA who were struck by Cupid. They decided to get hitched, but in no boring way. Their wedding is a 83 day long extravaganza – Acrobatic Wedding Around the World .

They decided to get married in 38 interesting ways in 11 different countries because they could not decide upon one way of getting married. They then started a Joyfund to help them travel. Anyone who wanted to, could give them one of the gifts on their list like – Hot air balloon ride in Spain or a trip to Ireland.

Here are some places they travelled to :









They were ordained so that they can marry each other and have been performing and teaching acrobatics wherever they went :

Bangkok (Left)and Kenya (Right)



So who said marriage was all about settling down? Cheetah and Rhiann have shown how your partner can help you achieve your dreams.

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