We take the little joys of life for granted. Ask the POTUS – Barack Obama – for example. He has always been loved and appreciated for being a playful person who knows how to enjoy even the simplest moments.
Currently, the man is wrapping up his 8-year tenure at the White House and it looks like he couldn’t be more kicked about the new possibilities ahead.
The big question is: once you step down as the leader of the most powerful country in the world, what do you really do with your newfound free time?
You’ll get your answers in this hilarious skit, aired at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.
Watch a childlike Obama wonder out loud about his future, his loyal aides pitching in with all kinds of suggestions (including volunteering for a children’s sports team and wearing comfortable jeans), and an angry Michelle walking away after her husband makes a social media blooper.
Okay, I shouldn’t reveal more! Watch the awesome video here:
EPIC, right? That license part cracked me up. Let’s see how many of these ideas actually materialise into reality. We’ll be waiting to find out!