This Naval Officer Docking A Warship Like A Boss Is A Clapback To Those Who Say ‘Women Can’t Drive’

Aishwarya Dharni

Arrey, you drive like a man.’

‘Will you be able to park your car or should I do it for you?’

‘Do you even know how to parallel park?’

Any woman who drives is accustomed to hearing these questions all the time.


Driving is a skill which anyone is capable of learning. Women can drive, they can fly and they dock a ship.


If you still need more insight into what I’m talking about, just watch this video of a naval officer docking a warship between a container and a destroyer like an absolute pro.

If you have trouble digesting the fact that women can be good at driving, go back and watch this video on loop.

This is proof enough for everyone to see that women are not just capable of driving cars but also warships like any other ‘human being’ who has put in the effort to master the skill.

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