Sudeeksha Bhati was a 20-year-old who was recently killed in a road accident in UP’s Bulandshahr after allegedly being harassed by a group of eve-teasers. She was a young prodigy belonging to a poor family from UP, who got a full scholarship to the US after topping her class 12th exams.
As fate would have it, in an old speech she is talking about the menace of eve-teasing and how it forced many north Indian girls to drop out every year.
Excitedly, she also mentioned getting a full scholarship to Babson College in the US to pursue her undergraduate degree. She promised how after returning to her country she’ll do everything she can for her community.
India lost a young life that clearly had a very bright future and was an example to other girls of her community that hard work and dedication can fulfil one’s dreams. We hope she’s resting in peace.
You can watch the video here :