The fact that we are still explaining why the phrase “not all men” is offensive, says a lot about our collective intelligence.
Truly, what exactly are people not understanding? Most men are creepy and when you don’t know someone personally, it’s tough to tell whether they are creepy or not. So you maintain your distance, assuming that they are because…most men are creepy.
The fact that this is incomprehensible, is infuriating. And more often than not the arguments against this come from the “more intelligent” gender – male. Funny.
Anyway, here’s something that should put things into perspective.
See? If you don’t know which orange in the bowl is poisoned, you won’t eat any.
“Oh, but poison could literally kill you”. Yes, so do men.
There is absolutely no need to get all dramatic about phrases like “men are trash”. Also, the expectation that we’d add “some” before that phrase is an entitled one. It’s also factually incorrect.
As I said before “most”, which, as a person who literally has to step out of her house to face harassment in some way or form, I won’t add.
There are bigger issues to discuss than the phrasing of these sentences which is correct anyway. Get that attitude a few notches down, please.