8 Struggles Only You Can Understand IF You Are A Desi & Have Bigger Breasts Than An Average Woman

Raashi Dev

Breasts are vital female organs. They cement our position in society as mothers, caregivers, and nurturers. But in India, or anywhere in the world really, having larger breasts earns you the proud title of a ‘harlot’, a ‘provocateur’, a ‘shameless hussy’. For what? Breasts are exclusive to women, yet the ones to demonize them are men. All because men are aroused by them. But remember, breasts aren’t inherently sexual organs, men made them sexual!

Here are X struggles of having larger breasts in India:

1. No matter what you wear, you’re sexualized

You’ve thrifted this gorgeous bodycon dress that you are uber excited to wear on a night out with friends. But alas, you’re a girl with breasts so that excitement is quickly slaughtered like a knife plunged straight into a beating heart. From the rickshawaala on your ride home to the horny men at the club, and even your own friends and family, everyone is going to sexualise you. And the worst part, it doesn’t even have to be a tight-fitted attire! You could be clad in a ratty, baggy t-shirt 10x your size and you’d still be sexualised. 

2. People automatically assume you’re a whore

Busty women are automatically labelled as promiscuous. Why are women slut-shamed when it’s men who lust after their breasts? Human beings aren’t biologically hard-wired to view tits as sexual organs. It’s something you learn, you nurture. The patriarchy has embedded this notion into our minds as a cultural preference, their agenda further perpetuated by pornography and pop culture. If men are the ones who can’t keep their dick in their pants when their eyes witness a pair of breasts, then aren’t they the sluts?

3. Unwarrented fetishization

Imagine being treated not as a human being, but as a commodity designated to please men. When you have a have bigger breasts your entire identity is stripped and confined to …a pair of breasts? That’s all you are, an object of desire for men to project their sexual fantasies on. 

4. Running is a pain

India is a country where you have to run for everything. Run to stay fit, run to catch your lover’s hand before they leave in a moving train, run away from predators who lurk in the night shadows etc, etc. You get the gist. Running when you have a fuller bust is not only uncomfortable mentally because you’re in constant fear that some creepy-ass old man is ogling at you, but it also causes physical distress. 

5. Incessant staring

I know some horny 13-year-old boy will be like, “We’re just looking!” But my friend, the male gaze is a dangerous weapon and can quickly flip flop into a first-degree crime. It starts with casual eyeing, okay more than casual because men can’t comprehend the concept of boundaries. It’s as if they’re piercing into your soul. Soon it progresses into full-fledged stalking, Next thing you know, you never made it back home. Escalation aside, stop staring at our breasts period. It’s humiliating and outright weird!

6. Being called weird AF names

Melons, coconuts, jugs and whatnot. Imagine being objectified to the degree they’ve stopped making any effort to humanize you. It’s breasts bro, calling them melons doesn’t make it better. 

7. It’s impossible to find clothes in your size

Clothing sizes are catered towards skinny, sampled-sized women. It’s funny because society projects breasts to be the epitome of beauty, yet makes zero effort in clothing for big busted girls? What are we supposed to wear? Jute sacks? You berate us for showing cleavage then refuse to make clothes that’ll fit our chest size. It’s a little contradictory don’t you think?

8. God forbid you hit early puberty

Early puberty is the worst for a growing child. Overnight, your parents, teachers, friends and family change their attitude towards you. You’re no longer a little girl, you can’t twirl away with your mates, can’t wear the clothes you used to, can’t sit as you wish, can’t be free near men, even the men who are close to you. As soon as your breasts develop, you’re catapulted into adulthood. All because men don’t care how old you are, they just wanna see how big your breasts are 🙂

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