Heavy rains in Karnataka and Kerala are wreaking havoc in the lives of people. People from all quarters are coming forward and trying to do their bit to help those affected by floods.
Amidst all this there’s this video of the Karnataka Minister that has gone viral.
The video shows HD Revanna, PWD Minister, flinging biscuit packets at the flood victims in a relief camp in Hassan district, Karnataka.
People slammed the minister’s act as ‘insensitive’ on Facebook and Twitter.
Later the Chief Minister of Karnataka and his brother, HD Kumaraswamy clarified that Mr. Revanna’s act was “not out of arrogance”. He also said:
I have noticed that the issue has come in TV, don’t take him otherwise. I have crosschecked… while distributing the biscuits, there were large number of people there and there was no place for movement.