Here’s How Much Indian VIPs Earn & The Kind Of Perks They Enjoy

Shruti Pillai

C’mon, admit it. The many times a VIP’s entourage has caused us to endure traffic jams, we’ve all muttered jealous curses under our breaths. And it’s not just the fact that they’ll be getting places on time and you won’t that causes this jealousy. There’s a lot else. Let me elaborate.

Being a VIP in India may involve a lot of hard work, ain’t no denying that. But the job certainly comes with it’s perks. And here’s a breakdown of just what these perks are.

Mind you, these are just a few of the many, many perks our VIPs enjoy. Everything from their transportation to domestic staff to their daily newspaper are sponsored by the government.

I know, right?! And now that you know, good luck reigning in all that jealousy the next time a VIP convoy takes over your morning commute.

Supercool designs by Rohit Jhaku

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