10 Italian Phrases You Can Use When You’re Walking About In Italy

Pradamini Kumari

Passport. Check. Amazing music. Check. Cool camera. Check. These are just a few things that you must have included in your ‘must pack’ list for your trip to Italy, right? And if you are an experienced traveler I am sure you know how important it is to also know a few basic words and phrases in the local language of the country that you are about to visit, otherwise everything can just seem so alien and unfamiliar. Even if you are a first time traveler, don’t try and get away by thinking ‘it’s too late to learn Italian phrases now.’ Because it’s not. We have got you covered. Here are 10 basic Italian phrases that can help you overcome some common situations most traveler’s find themselves in.

1. When you want to greet the Italians formally, say…

If you want to greet a local informally, just say ‘Ciao’ (Cha-o) which means ‘Hi.’ This is quite a famous word that you must heard in Hollywood movies as well. If you want to address a group of people say ‘Ciao a tutti’ which means ‘Hello everyone.’ You can also say ‘Ciao’ to say ‘goodbye.’ But stick to this word only while greeting friends or colleagues. For anyone who you don’t know or is older to you, stick to saying ‘Salve.’ 

2. While approaching a local, be courteous and don’t forget to begin your sentence with…

Don’t bluntly approach a local with your problems or doubts. If you want to be respected and heard, remember to say ‘excuse me’ before starting your sentence. You can say ‘Scusa’ with your friends and colleagues to be informal. However, just stick to the formal way of saying ‘excuse me’ if you are approaching a stranger or someone who is elder to you.  

3. After a local helps you out don’t forget to say…

Use this word as often as you can. The simple sweet gesture of saying ‘thank you’ will do no harm to you and who knows, this word might even get you stellar service at a restaurant. 

4. When you are confused and want a native to help you out say…

One can easily lose track of where they are in a new country and finding a solution can become quite a task. If you want some help from a local please use this phrase. Also don’t forget to add ‘excuse me’ before asking for help, okay?

5. When you meet amazing locals/friends don’t forget to compliment them by saying…

Use this phrase as much as you can, whenever you can. You’ll definitely win the hearts of the locals and be appreciated by them for making extra efforts. After all, it doesn’t harm to put a smile on people’s faces, right?

6. If you want to ask a local if they know or understand English say…

Some of the Italian locals do understand basic English. So to be on the safer side always remember to inquire if they do know English. Things will become so much more easier for you if they do know how to speak in English. It’s like hitting a jackpot, don’t you think?

7. If you are ready to try some Italian cuisines at a restaurant don’t forget to ask for the menu by saying…

Don’t raise your hand or shout out loud for the menu if you are at a restaurant. Instead, use the phrase mentioned above if you want a waiter/waitress to pay attention to you. You might just get a free dessert or meal if you impress the restaurant staff. Try it yourself. 

8. If you are bewildered and don’t know which cuisine to try out, don’t hesitate to ask the waiter…

Deciding what to eat can be quite tormenting if you don’t really know about what is good and what is not. If you too are confused about which authentic cuisine to try out in Italy you might as well use this phrase and ask before hand if you don’t want to end up eating something that you might regret ordering later. 

9. After enjoying a mouth-watering and satisfying meal you have to ask for…

This phrase is quite handy. You’ll need it while visiting restaurants, cafes and bars. Saying ‘cheque’ essentially means the ‘bill.’ So don’t assume they are two words meaning two different things.

10. If you stumble upon something interesting that you want to buy, ask for the price by saying…

Of course, you’ll want to know about how much a product/item costs. Use this phrase in the shops if you are interested in making a purchase. Also don’t touch anything in the shops randomly. It is always better to ask and make sure if it is okay to hold or touch the items.

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