The History Of Maybelline Is A Sweet Story About Siblings & It Has Raised The Bar For Brothers

Manya Ailawadi

Brothers are mostly annoying, but if they try, they can be nice. Sure, siblings have ulterior motives when they’re good to us, but we’ll take it. However, history has taught us about a selfless brother who literally built a brand for his sister. It’s called Maybelline.

Source: Instagram

An Instagram creator, Hyperfocuspod, posted a video talking about the story of the popular cosmetic brand. According to the video, Maybel Williams was in love with a man who was in love with someone else. Her brother Thomas, who was a chemist, noticed how Maybel would use petroleum jelly on her eyelashes and eyebrows in an attempt to enhance them. So he decided to help her by adding carbon dust to create a mascara and brow gel.

Source: Instagram

While Maybel did get the man’s attention, it’s the intent behind this invention that’s important. Thomas also became successful after creating this product, at the age of 19 in 1915. The good part? He named the brand after her sister. Not that women need makeup to find love, but it’s a selfless sounding, sweet story and the world needs more of that.

Source: Instagram

The internet certainly thinks so.

Source: Instagram

Watch the video:

It’s okay if this left you sad.

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