People Share Nice Things That Their Teachers Said That Stuck With Them & These Are Special

Manya Ailawadi

Teachers are the grown-ups with probably the most influence on kids. This influence can be both right and wrong. It can be helpful or not. However, when it does mean good things, this influence lasts long – even an entire lifetime in some cases. This is probably why so many of us have quotable moments with some teachers, that have stayed with us even after school.

These is rare, but special.

1. “You shouldn’t die for your opinion. A belief could change in the future, but how you act in the present, does not. It’s important to keep an open mind around everything and everyone – to truly develop empathy.”

– Manya


2. “I had lied about something and my teacher figured out. Instead of scolding me she empathized and said, “I know what it is to be young, I’ve been there. It’s okay.””

– Harshit Ailawadi

Hindustan Times

3. “If you have trouble remembering, write and learn things. If you still have trouble learning, it’s okay, you’ll get there. Don’t rush.”

– Naman Issar

4. “I was told that I am a self-starter, self-motivated. I don’t know how much of that is still a part of who I am, but it helps me get through things sometimes.”

– Harshita Singh


5. “When I was submitting a thesis for my master’s degree, my teacher read it and appreciated my work. He added that he could see me writing film reviews and doing good in the field. This gave me the confidence to pursue writing, and it meant a lot.”

– Snigdha


6. “Okay so this is unconventional. My computer teacher was super chill. And we were new teens, developing our life’s first crush, hormones everywhere. She once said something along the lines, “Date as much as you want. Just know that none of your high-school romances will last for long. Don’t take life so seriously. You’ll fall in love, get a heartbreak, it’s all normal, and it’s okay.”

– Anonymous

India Today

7. “As women, we need to work harder and fight harder. It’s unfair but we can only change the world one stand at a time. All you can do is, try and be there for more women as much as possible.”

– Riya Gill


8. “My psychology teacher once said, “Not everyone will like you and that’s a good thing”. She was referring to my people pleasing behaviour ruining my mental health.”

– Anonymous


9. “I broke down in front of a professor once because of stress and she just hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder.”

– Umang Joshi

Hindustan Times

10. “My ninth-grade teacher always told the entire class that there’s a world outside this classroom and school walls; and that’s beyond numbers and exams. We were too young to know this then. Now, I keep thinking about how she was absolutely right and I wish there were more teachers like her. This has stayed with me after all this time.”

– Aaliyah Jain


A teacher can definitely make a lot of difference to a student’s life. It’s important to acknowledge when a teacher does that.

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