A serious bug in extreme violation of the user’s privacy has been detected in Apple’s FaceTime.
According to 9 To 5 Mac, FaceTime lets the caller hear the audio of the recipient’s phone, before they even pick it up!
Apple spokesperson has claimed that the bug will be addressed in a software update ‘later this week’.
According to Mashable, the spokesperson has said,
“We’re aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week.”
In another update, according to 9 to 5 Mac, Apple has disabled Group FaceTime to address the issue meanwhile.
Here’s how the bug works – While you’re dialing someone on FaceTime, add your own phone number, making it a Group call, and this will enable the caller to hear the audio of the other person, even if they haven’t picked up the call, according to 9 To 5 Mac.
And it gets more scary.