Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has announced a reward of Rs 2 crores for Paralympian Mariyappan Thangavelu for winning the gold medal in the High Jump (T42 category) event at the ongoing Rio Paralympics.
In a congratulatory letter, CM Jayalalithaa wrote, “I am delighted to learn that you have won a Gold Medal in the Paralympics currently being held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Your achievements will inspire more and more children and youth to overcome adversities and to participate and strive for greater achievements.”
“I am very happy to inform you that I have decided the Government of Tamil Nadu will award you a cash prize Rs 2 crores on par with Olympic Gold winners from Tamil Nadu,” she added.
Mariyappan became only the third Indian ever to clinch a Paralympic gold. He won the gold medal with his best jump of 1.89m, leaving behind world champion Sam Grewe of the USA who registered 1.86m.
Here’s the jump that won him glory…
Feature image source: AFP