It’s been more than a decade since Indian national cricket team player Ashish Nehra tied the knot with Rushma, an artist from Gujarat. It was the year 2009. Their love story isn’t less than a fairy-tale and the moment when Ashish first met Rushma has all the reasons to gush over the couple.
An old photo of Ashish Nehra and Rushma from their first meeting which happened 20 years ago is going viral on Twitter.
In the picture posted by a Twitter user, @awkdipti, Ashish and Rushma can be seen posing together for the camera. Both of them look gorgeous AF. The tweet features Rushma’s Instagram post in which she penned a heart-warming note for her now-husband, Ashish Nehra.
Rushma had shared that “her life was changed forever”.
She had written, “As I stood outside the team hotel, waiting for a glimpse of you, The stars aligned and I realised you were waiting for me too. One autograph, one cheeky smile and my life was changed forever more, Twenty years gone by in a flash, Ashu you’ll always be my perfect score.“
Check the tweet here:
Twitter is totally gushing over this couple:
Here’s the original Instagram post:
Going by the post, the picture was clicked at St. James Court, Taj Hotel, London. Celebrities like Yuvraj Singh, Hazel Keech, Hardik Pandya, and Masaba Gupta had reacted to her post.
Some more reactions by Insta users:
Adorable fairy-tale, isn’t it?