Premature Ejaculation: 5 Ways To Deal With One Of The Most Common Sexual Problems For Men

Saurav Bhanot

When it comes to sex, men who finish last are actually the real winners.

Since great sex is about both the partners achieving their climax, it’s imperative that men don’t reach the finish line way before their women. Sadly, some men are quick and unfortunately so. 

Yes, premature ejaculation is a reality and it’s high time men (and women) took it more seriously! 


Premature ejaculation is the uncontrolled ejaculation that occurs without the man’s control or desire with minimal sexual stimulation. 

Basically, when a man climaxes way sooner than desired by his woman and much before he’d like to, it’s a case of premature ejaculation. 

And as per surveys, about 30% men suffer from premature ejaculation sometime in their lives. 


What causes premature ejaculation? The reasons are both physical as well as psychological. 

For starters, stress and emotional imbalances majorly contribute to this cause. If the man is worried or anxious about a problem at work, worried about his health or a pending loan or going through a rough patch in life, it’s likely to affect his sexual performance. 

Physically speaking, if he’s too tired or fatigued, he’s likely to climax earlier than expected too. Also, if your lifestyle is particularly unhealthy, don’t expect to be some kind of a Superman in bed either!

In terms of biological reasons, there’s a lot that’s responsible for man coming way too soon!

Abnormal hormone levels and/or an abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system can cause premature ejaculation. In such cases, one should consult a medical professional and get the right medication. 

An abnormal level of neurotransmitters in the brain can also lead to early ejaculation. 


The most pertinent question, of course, is how to deal with premature ejaculation, right?

Here’s a list of 5 techniques you can practice to make sure you don’t ejaculate earlier than expected:

1. Controlling the ejaculatory reflex

Start by masturbating right up until you feel yourself about to release and then stop for a some time and let your erection die down a bit. After about 5 minutes, start masturbating again. This helps in getting your mind accustomed to a certain level of stimulation. 


2. Kegel exercises

If done correctly, kegel workouts help strengthen your pelvic muscles thereby helping you hold onto your erections for a longer time.

3. Thicker condoms

While condoms in general are known to delay orgasm a bit, thicker condoms, especially, work at reducing sensitivity during sex thereby delaying the orgasm. 


4. The Squeeze technique

While having intercourse (or when masturbating), pull out the penis when you’re close to release and gently squeeze its head. This produces a ‘stop’ sensation, helping dull the sensation of wanting to orgasm. 

5. Spacing out 

Basically, before you actually have sex, try and masturbate a few hours before. What this does is cause less sensitivity during the second time thereby helping you last longer in the act with your woman. The period in between acts as a wonderful buffer! 


When it comes to dealing with premature ejaculations, it’s also a good idea to have an open channel of communication with your partner. 

More foreplay, more lubricant or more emotional engagement are also known to help men hold onto their erections for a longer time.

To holding on, for long!

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