15 People Share ‘Guilty Pleasure Sexual Encounters’ They Wouldn’t Tell Anyone & We Can See Why

Harshita Singh

Those of us who’ve had a pretty straight, narrow and simple sex-life can’t fathom the spice and excitement of those who have brilliant sexcapades to talk about. I feel as though those of us who’re single, might enjoy reading through these Reddit confessions we’ve come across. Here, people have shared sexual encounters they haven’t told a soul about, because they’re just that cray-cray.

So, here take a look at what we’re talking about:

1. “This was years ago. We met online, chatted for a couple hours, got into some sexual stuff, and then I suggested we meet at a local bar. She was around 40, and I was 25. Anyway, we had 1 drink, and then she wanted to leave. We went to my car, made out for a bit, she said she’s gonna take off and that she’ll call me later. I figured that was it and that I turned her off even though I did everything right. Then, I get a text from her 5 minutes later with her address, telling me to come over and just let myself in. I head over, walk in, and she was on the couch with her ass up in the air, wearing nothing but knee-high socks and a blindfold.

Earlier, when we were chatting, I told her I had a thing for knee-high socks, and she had a fantasy about getting fucked by a stranger that she was never able to do when she was married. (She had recently divorced). We basically did every sexual thing you could do that evening. Never said a word for the next 2-3 hours.”


2. “In my senior year, I gave my friend head at a sleepover, while the other girls were asleep in the next room. She was complaining to me that nobody’s ever gone down on her, and the solution was glaring at us right in the face! As far as I know, neither of us ever told anyone in the group. We also never really brought it up again.”


3. “She took off her panties, stuffed them inside herself, before slowly pulling them out and shoving them in my face, and into my mouth, and held them there while she rode me into the sunset.”


4. “Matched with an ex high-school teacher on tinder. She said it would be too awkward to go out with me, but sent me a naked picture. I jerked off to it so many times.”


5. “I met a girl in 1992, she asked me if I’d watch her masturbate on the beach towel we were both sitting on, it was night-time.”


6. “I came on a girl’s face, as her mom walked in the room. It was one of those thick, holding it in for days loads as well.”


7. “Got my first blow job from a high school girlfriend under the blanket, while her mom was working on the computer with her back to us on the other side of the room. I’ve been chasing that same mix of fear and excitement for the past twenty years.”


8. “When I was 23, I hooked up with a cute 38-year-old woman who I met in a bar. She was loads of fun and we had a pretty great time considering I was wasted.

In the morning she was a bit melancholic and cried a little, as I held her. She said that she had always wanted to be a mother but had wasted all her best years on bad relationships that went nowhere and now it was very unlikely she’d meet someone in time to have kids. In a moment of naive madness I offered to cum inside her, without a condom, and to my huge surprise she actually took me up on it.

Before I could think twice about it she wrapped her legs around my butt and I came. I think about her from time to time, and wonder if I have a kid out there somewhere. Want to know the real kicker? I couldn’t remember her name in the morning and I was too embarrassed to ask. No way of looking her up, either. So I guess I’ll never know unless the kid comes knocking.”


9. “I hooked up with my ex’s aunt 2 years after we broke up and I ran into her at a Jack in the Box. My cousin and I were looking for hangover food, and just happened to decide on that Jack in the Box that day. I told him to head on home, and I went with her to her motel. No regrets. I always thought she was sexy as hell and we never saw each other again after that.”


10. ” In a previous relationship, my ex and I would do drug fueled BDSM. And he enjoyed being tied up.

My days are much calmer now.”


11. “I was 23(m), my boss was an attractive 40 year old woman. She invited me and a few other coworkers over to watch a foot ball game. I was the last to leave, until her husband put on ‘Pour some sugar on me,’ her top came off, my dick came out…we both fucked her senseless all night. We had threesomes a few times a week for months. It was amazing…I hope they are both still happy.”


12. “Had a sixsome at a Sandals resort when we just wanted to go to the hot tub for a late night dip.”


13. “My ex-wife cheated on me after 8 years of being married. I was devastated. One night her best friend that she has known since childhood texted me, checking in on how I was doing. She ended up coming over to our house. We had wild sex throughout the entire night. Everything you could imagine happened with her that night. We both haven’t spoke to each other since then, and no one knows but us. She is still my ex-wife’s best friend to this day.”


14. “Hooked up with an ex’s mom…a few times after we split.”


15. “This person that I’ve been in love with for over a decade asked me to pee on them. I did. And we both loved it.”


Their secrets are safe with us!

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