Young Men Are Having Less Sex Thanks To Video Games & Social Media, According To A Survey


 A study found out that young men in their 20s are not having as much sex as they used to.

The survey carried out by the University of Chicago’s biennial General Social Survey (GSS) studied the bedroom activity of men.

The psychological reason behind it is accredited to gaming and social media habits.

According to Washington Post, the report found out that 23 percent of men said they had not had sex in the past year.

The report focused on 20-something American males. It said that the number of men reporting no sex in the past year has doubled between 2008 and 2018.

Diabetes Daily

If you’re thinking that that’s a weird thing to keep a track of, then you should know that the good folks of the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) have been conducting this survey since 1972 to study the ‘growing complexity’ of society.

Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at the San Diego State University said that the reason why men are not having as much sex could be attributed to technology. 


According to Jean, technology has enabled a surge in things to do at 10 at night, like ‘streaming video, social media, console games’.

Did you ‘score’ last night, though?

Another reason is that these 20-somethings are not living with their partners-

There are more people in their twenties who don’t have a live-in partner. So under those circumstances I think less sex is going to happen.

Chicken dinner kha ke poori raat non-stop… gaming. 

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