Denisha Bracey, a resident of Nova Scotia, Canada woke up to the sweetest surprise on her two year anniversary with boyfriend, Riley Rankin. Denisha has been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks over the summer. So Riley decided to prescribe her some ‘love pills’ and the internet is in love with this adorable couple.
He made me “love pills”. Every pill capsule is filled with a little note that says something loving or sweet, something that will make me happy, or a good quality about me. He bought empty capsules and filled every single one and put them in an empty pill container.”
-Denisha wrote on Facebook
The notes contained words of encouragement for his girlfriend like, “You should run for Miss Universe because DAMN!” and “Be proud of yourself, you are amazing, think of all the things you’ve accomplished!”
It took about three hours to get everything together. It was definitely worth the time. I think I read about someone doing something similar in a post on Reddit, like 6 months before. I wanted to make her happy, I wanted her to be able to cope with her anxiety when I’m not around— or even when we’re having an argument—or I just can’t be there for her.
-Riley told HuffPost
The internet can’t stop drooling over this cute DIY gift that Riley made for his girlfriend.
What a great way to support your partner!