Science Says Fighting With Siblings Can Make You A Better Person In Life. Okay Then, Carry On.

Aishwarya Dharni

If sibling rivalry was a significant part of your life while growing up, then there’s nothing that can break you.

Having a sibling means to constantly be in combat with them. And with experience, I must add that usually, the younger one always gets their ass kicked.


So, does this constant bickering with our siblings leave us with anything more than scary memories?


Well, according to researchers at University of Cambridge, our feuds with our siblings are the reason for our mental and emotional growth in life. 

Named ‘Toddlers Up’, this five-year research also includes the fact that being in competition with our siblings while growing up contributes to our social skills as well.


According to the study, as long as the children learn to use verbal sophistication and the fights end without one child submitting to the other and the issue gets resolved, it directly impacts your mental growth.

A total of 140 kids were observed for this study and to everyone’s surprise, it was concluded that siblings have a lot of impact on each other while growing up even if they are at each other’s throats all the time.


If all the ass-kicking that I got as a child is the reason I’m a balanced person now, then I’m confused how I feel about this.

The study also states that if the rivalry crosses over into adulthood then it’s a whole ball game altogether. But if it’s the type of relationship that matures over time, then all the arguments that took place during childhood directly help you in being a better person.


This study was later compiled in a book form by Dr Claire Hughes, Deputy Director at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Family Research.

In her interview with the Guardian about her book, ‘Social Understanding and Social Lives’, Dr Hughes adds,

However she also mentions that there are some boundaries which should never be crossed. Just like that, sibling rivalry can also get out of hand and that is when the parents should definitely intervene.


Now don’t go on and start a feud with your sibling just for the heck of it but it certainly makes you feel a little better about all the childhood drama we had with them. 

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