Photographer Captures Intimate Bedroom Moments Of LGBT Couples & They’re Beautiful Beyond Words

Shruti Pillai

Photographs belong to Ewan and Brianna Phelan and have been used with their permission. 

Sexuality is as essential a part of the human experience as breathing and yet we feel the need to keep its existence under wraps.

However, travelling educators and photographers Ewan Phelan and his wife Brianna have for years been documenting some extraordinary intimate moments between couples in the boudoir.

In a candid interview with Huffington Post, Phelan revealed to the world some of their most striking, homosexuality-centric work – and it is magnificent. NSFW stuff here, people. But truly magnificent.


These are not “just pretty photos,” Phelan told The Huffington Post. “They are an extension of the individual in them, and of myself.”



“Phelan said viewers “should walk away feeling something from these images — good or bad.”


“I want to be able to show the viewer how I see the world. I want to show the true rawness of emotion, vulnerability and strength that is found in our sexuality.”



“Specifically for couples, I want to be able to show the true connection that exists between them in those intimate moments.”




“Our sexuality makes up a huge part of who we are as a species and as an individual. No one should be ashamed of it. Nudity and sexuality are not things that need to be hidden behind closed doors, ashamed of, or not talked about.”



“I hope that for those who feel like they have to hide who they are, or who have had part of themselves suppressed for whatever reason, will find the strength in seeing these photos — LBGT or straight,”



“I hope that these photos will bring people together to see that love and passion is all the same between those who share it with each other.”



Be sure to check out more of their work on Do More Wear Lessand Ewan Phelan‘s website.

Here’s hoping this does a thing or two towards the world being able to view sexuality as the natural and beautiful thing that it is – regardless of gender or orientation.

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