It was my favourite time of the day.
As the school bus would come to a halt, I’d hurriedly get down only to find her greeting me with open arms. It was a busy road and she was always extra careful. A peck on my cheek and we’d get going. Though it was a fair bit of a walk, I’d never have a problem. On our way, we’d stop at a kirana store for her to buy some groceries. As she’d get busy bargaining with the owner, I’d drool at all the things available. There were chocolates, chips and cookies. And so much more. She’d look at me with a grin and without me asking, buy a little something for me. We’d then walk back home, every single day of school.
My mother would pick me up from her lunch break at work, drop me home, make sure I ate my lunch and then, head back to office. She did this all through my years in school. Without getting tired. Being totally selfless. And for the love of her child.
She’s always been my most favourite person in the world. And I’ve always looked up to her. Even as a guy, though I’ve admired many people, I’ve never idolized anyone else.
I’ve always wanted to be like my mother!
Without a doubt, mothers are the most self-less beings on Earth.
It takes a lot for anyone to completely sideline their own personal needs and desires and devote their lives for other people, even if those ‘others’ happen to be their own children. Motherhood isn’t easy and everyday is a challenge. And yet, day after day, year after year, mothers do it and do it so well!
As someone who’s all set to turn 30 soon, I can safely say that I haven’t met a single person who’s inspired me as much as my mother.
The way she’s led her life has been a living example for me. And I’m sure every child would feel the same about their mother. Because that’s the thing about moms – they’re just so damn perfect!
My mother is the most expert multi-tasker, ever!
She’s always been a career woman and even today, she wakes up every morning super excited about going to work. As a child, I always knew that Mom had a job and work responsibilities to handle as well. She made sure I understood that just like my father, my mother’s job was important too.
I’ve grown up looking at her professionalism and admired her dedication to her profession. For me, she’s not just my mother but also a successful career woman.
What has that taught me? Firstly, to keep a woman’s career at par, if not above, with a man’s. And secondly, it’s made me believe that you can wake up, every single morning, and be excited about your job.
My mom has taught me how to stay passionate about your career, how to work hard and how to never let go of your dreams. And I want to be like her!
However, never has my mom’s career ever come in the way of her family life.
From picking me up from the bus stand during her lunch hour to attending all my PTA meetings without fail, she’s done it all. There was never a time when I needed her and she wasn’t around. She fulfilled all her motherly duties with care and concern.
Even as a wife, she’s been amazing. I don’t think my father could ever complain about being ignored because of her job or any other reason.
I’d often hear about how working women may not always be able to devote time to their families. But I’ve never believed it. Women make fantastic multi-taskers and I’ve lived with the best example in front of me.
My mother has taught me how to balance my personal and professional life, never ignoring one for the sake of another. She’s masterfully altered between a working woman and a mother and wife and one day, I hope to be just as good as her.
Not just a great mother and a successful professional, my mother is also a great human being.
She’s famous for being honest, compassionate and righteous. I’ve lost track of the number of times she’s fired me for doing the wrong thing. From respecting every one, irrespective of their age or financial status to always standing up for what’s right no matter how tough the situation, I’m a better person only because of my mother.
I’ve also seen her as a great daughter to my naana-naani and an encouraging elder sister to her younger siblings. Never has anyone around her had an issue with her and she’s always been there for everyone in her life.
She’s shown immense trust in her children, never stopping them from making their own decisions and mistakes. And every time I’ve fallen, she’s been there to pick me up.
I always joke with her that she’s set the standards of a good human being so high, I’m all set for a big, massive failure. And yet, I can never stop trying to be like my mother.
As a boy, I’m expected to idolize my father and look up to him instead.
Yes, my dad has been an amazing father but frankly, I’ve always felt my mom has done more for our home. She’s been an equal bread earner, a fantastic parent, a supportive wife and an expert manager, all rolled into one.
She may not be a man but she’s a woman. And her gender doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s been fantastic in both her personal and professional life. It’s exactly this balance that I hope to strike in my life too.
Even though I’m a guy, I’d want to be an expert parent, successful at work and fabulous at running my home, just like my mother.
Yes, I’ve always wanted to be like my Mom. And I sincerely hope I am able to some day!