20 Questions You Should Ask In An Arranged Marriage Set-Up ‘Cos It’s Not “Do Parivaaron Ka Milan”

Manya Ailawadi

We all have our opinions around marriage, especially when it is an arranged marriage set-up. While it’s a choice, our society rarely leaves room for exploration when it comes to finding a partner in such a set-up. It starts with two families meeting, and eventually making decisions for someone else. There are, however, better ways to deal with an arranged marriage meeting – where the potential partners have control on their lives and choices.

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While taking is underrated, it can tell you a lot about a person. It is also precisely what you need to judge, if a person is someone you’d like to spend the rest of your life with.

So, for when you’re asked to talk “akele mein”, here are some questions you can ask your prospective match:

1. What is your political inclination, and why?

2. Would you rather go out on a Sunday, or stay in and watch something?

3. Will we have joint or separate bank accounts, or a combination of both?

4. Question for men: Are you a feminist? (there’s only one correct answer)

5. Are there any concerns or boundaries related to intimacy that we should discuss?


6. How do you manage your finances?

7. How do you plan on dividing chores if we get married?

8. Do you want to have children, and if so, why, how many, and when?

9. How is your relationship with your parents?

10. Do you think sharing important details like phone passwords is needed in a relationship?

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11. What kind of films do you like?

12. Do you like your work?

13. Are there any deal-breakers when it comes to values or beliefs?

14. Are you religious?

15. What is your take on infidelity?

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16. Have there been significant past relationships or experiences that may affect our marriage?

17. Do you expect your partner to only hang out with you?

18. What is your opinion on seeking professional help or therapy when needed?

19. Do you have any debts or financial responsibilities?

20. Are there any lifestyle choices that are important to you? (food habits, etc.)


These questions may help you judge a person well. That said, taking time is okay, it’s important.

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