Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while inaugurating the two-day working committee of the state at Scientific Convention Centre on Monday claimed that most of his cabinet colleagues were vegetarians and that they aren’t weaker than anyone.
According to Indian Express, while addressing multiple issues such as the anti-Romeo squads and their crackdown on illegal slaughterhouses, Adityanath remarked that most of his cabinet members did not consume onion or garlic and are no less stronger than a non-vegetarian.
Talking about the illegal slaughterhouses and the argument that non-vegetarian food is healthy, Adityanath added that his cabinet worked from 7 am to 1 am and people who work for such long hours cannot be weak.
Hindustan Times also reports Adityanath saying that people might think that Modi has appointed a ‘namoona‘ (a maverick) as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh but it isn’t the case.
(Feature image source: PTI)