Already under fire after the Enforcement Directorate detected over Rs 104 crore in an account linked to Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and around Rs 1.5 crore in his account, BSP supremo Mayawati’s brother Anand Kumar has once again come under scanner for amassing Rs 1,316 crore in 7 years.
According to a report by Times Now, Kumar’s net worth rose from nearly Rs 7.5 crore in 2007 to Rs 1,316 crore in 2014, the period when his sister Mayawati was the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
The report adds that income tax probe details of various shell companies owned by Kumar show that they have taken multi-crore loans and have made huge real estate investments.
The news can become a major blow to Mayawati considering the fact that Uttar Pradesh is heading for assembly polls next month.
On December 26, Enforcement Directorate (ED) detected cash deposits totalling over Rs 104 crore in an account belonging to the BSP and Rs 1.43 crore in an account belonging to party Supremo Mayawati’s brother Anand in a branch of United Bank of India in New Delhi, sources in the Enforcement Directorate said.
They said the sleuths called for the records of the deposits made in the BSP account and found that while Rs 102 crore was deposited in Rs 1,000 notes, the rest Rs 3 crore was deposited in the old Rs 500 notes.
Officials said they were astonished to find huge cash of about Rs 15-17 crore being deposited every other day. The agency also detected another account in the same branch belonging to Anand, brother of BSP chief Mayawati, where a total of Rs 1.43 crore funds was found. A sum of 18.98 lakh came into account using the old notes after the ban.
A day after the raid, Mayawati in a press conference alleged BJP-led Centre of having an anti-Dalit mindset and accused them of misusing government machinery to tarnish the image of her party ahead of the assembly polls.
(With inputs from PTI)
(Feature image source: YouTube| ABP News)