While the opposition continues to attack the Narendra Modi on his decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, the Prime Minister asked the nation’s citizens to directly convey their views to him on the policy through a survey on his app.
Modi asked people to participate in a survey on the app where 10 questions about the scrapping of old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes.
Here’s what he tweeted:
The Prime Minister’s move to gauge the views of the people comes at a time when the opposition has escalated its attack on the issue of demonetisation.
Here are the ten questions:
1. Do you think that black money exists in India?
2.Do you think the evil of corruption and black money needs to be fought and eliminated?
3.Overall, what do you think about the Government’s moves to tackle black money?
4.What do you think of the Modi government’s efforts against corruption so far?
5.What do you think of the Modi Government’s move of banning old Rs 500 & RS 1000 notes?
6.Do you think demonetization will help in curbing black money, corruption & terrorism?
7.Demonetization will bring real estate, higher education, healthcare in common man’s reach.
8.Did you mind the inconvenience faced in our fight to curb corruption, black money, terrorism and counterfeiting of currency?
9.Do you believe some anti-corruption activists are now actually fighting in support of black money, corruption & terrorism?
10.Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or insights you would like to share with PM Narendra Modi?