These Kids Share The Most Valuable Life Lesson & We’re Totally In Sync With Them

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ my kindergarten teacher had asked me with a big grin on her face. ‘A shopkeeper, maybe a kite maker, I don’t know ma’am, I could be anything I want’, I had said after a long pause.

My parents have always instilled this thought in me and my siblings that you can be anything you want; but, to follow your dreams, you have to first educate yourself and maintain good health. And, we still abide by those words. My family never took marks as a ladder to success. Knocking on wood, they gave me choices beyond marks and consistently urged me to follow my dreams. 

‘Follow your dreams’ is one of the most cliched inspirational quotes but it’s so damn true!

This exam season, mothers should de-stress a bit and #LookBeyondMarks. Eventually, this stress passes on to the child who in turn gets nervous. Don’t let the horror of exam dawn upon your child; pay attention to his everyday nutrition, encourage him to give his best and don’t let the pressure of scoring good stress him out.

When we are more careful about acing in a herd, the dreams drift farther and farther away, until they aren’t even in one’s sight anymore. What becomes the priority over anything else is surviving the exam pressure.

I’m glad Bournvita did the best thing this exam season and in the smartest way possible, conveyed a message that career counsellors have already beaten to death. They swapped the entire collection of a fashion store with all-black tees in XL sizes and what happened next, is the most thought-provoking thing you’ll watch on the Internet today.

Watch the thought-provoking video below:

All the best, guys!

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