OkCupid’s Find My Kind Is Celebrating Millennials Who Won’t ‘Settle’ & We’re Here For It!

Are you still succumbing to long-prevailing expectations of people and settling for nothing but compromise? OkCupid’s Find My Kind is a refreshing take on love and relationships that’ll encourage you to keep standing up for what you believe in – especially when everybody around you is encouraging you to “settle” “compromise”, or telling you what you need in a relationship

OkCupid’s Find My Kind is urging people to seek the kind of love they want. The kind that celebrates individuality and complements all your little quirks. Through the campaign OkCupid uses a warcry – Find My Kind, not my parent’s kind, not society’s kind and not my friend’s kind. Now tell me, would you settle for a safe job somebody else picked out for you and become a cog in the wheel or do you want a job that is right for all your dreams and ambitions? If your answer is the latter, why would you invest time in a relationship that isn’t your kind?  

According to a study, 92% of Indian millennials feel their values vastly differ from their parents’. The same study reports that 67% say that they would rather find a like-minded partner on a dating app than have friends and family arrange a set up anticipating a stark contrast in opinions. We caught up with a few millennials and quizzed them about the time they finally took charge of who they want to share their lives with.  

Without compromising, without adjusting, these 5 people tell us why they chose to NOT listen to anyone when it came to their relationship choices. 

Inspired much?  

If you too, just like me, are done with people and their judgements, it’s time to give yourself a break and find your kind on OkCupid. Brownie point: going on a date with someone who shares the same madness for crime-thrillers and dogs is all the more exciting, than brunching with someone who your friends and mom find appropriately ‘suitable’ for you. Imagine that life. *yawn

Watch OkCupid’s peppy video and share it with your nosey neighbour who’s still finding you dulhas.     

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