The hustle culture is toxic. “The grind should never stop” sounds cool in theory but is too far-fetched for real life. Statements like these meant for pumping a person — to keep on “hustling” every single second without really paying attention to a thing called life — are outright unhealthy and should be abandoned for good.
But first, what is hustle culture?
Well, consider it as a masochist lifestyle that celebrates workaholism and shams free time and breaks. Much like, how dare you have a life? In hustle culture, you’d essentially be made to feel like you’re a criminal if you have free time, and you’ll end up feeling guilty about any time you spend on a non-work-related activity.
You see? To be a part of this not-so-cool culture, you have to be constantly working or, as they call it, “grinding” until you reach your ultimate exhaustion point. And even after that, you’ll have to get back up again. And please note that you need to enjoy the grind because how can you not!
Basically, the hustle culture is a plague that needs to leave the face of the earth. And here’s why you should discard this grind mindset right now.
1. Because it’s counterproductive
Yes. Hustle culture makes it seem like you need to be productive all day long. But guess what? That’s not humanly possible. Moreover, with burnout and exhaustion, you’ll end up achieving even lesser than what you aimed for.
2. Because it will brew an unhealthy sense of competition among colleagues
Imagine two employees working for the same organization at the same designation. The first employee constantly works and responds to emails even after work hours. Then there’s the other employee who prioritizes work-life balance and unplugs devices after working hours. During the appraisal cycle, the first employee gets a higher appraisal and promotion. The second employee sees this and is left with no option but to over-exert themselves for a higher raise. Eventually, overworking becomes a norm that spreads to the entire organization because more work now stands for a person’s credibility, and also, more work means more money.
3. Because it drains both mental and physical health
Hustle culture thrives on stress, and — surprisingly enough — a body needs rest. An exhausted mind won’t be able to function. Moreover, your physical and mental health will naturally be a thing of concern to your family. And then what? More stress? Stained personal relationships? Bad health?
4. Because it finishes work life balance
Yes. There is no such thing as a work-life balance when you are hustling. How could you even think? Now that’s abominable. Hustle culture is all work and no life. Period.
5. Because you’ll end up hating everything you do
People who have found their passion in their jobs are the luckiest because work doesn’t feel like ‘work’ to them. Agreed. But, can a person be fresh and brimming with ideas all the time? Can you be productive 24X7? Now, let’s turn the tables. When you already hate what you do, does grinding help you, or you’ve just become ‘frustrated’ in life? When you’re constantly working and not pausing to breathe, your mind will get clogged. You will end up resenting your work. This is regardless of whether you like the profession you’re in or don’t.
6. Because grind does not have a happy ending
You will hardly be satisfied with yourself in the path of the hustle culture. Because when you achieve a goal, there will always be something else to thrive for. You won’t be happy because you’ll always be grilling and fighting for more without giving yourself the time and headspace to celebrate the present. It’s a loop of infinity with no ultimate happy ending. Do you want to end up in a luxurious penthouse all alone, regretting the memories you lost because you were busy “grinding?”
7. Because it’s misleading
Don’t know why but hustle culture is used to motivate and inspire. It’s sold as a lifestyle choice that one should adopt to become filthy rich and have that elegant, luxurious life that everyone craves. But is it that simple? And more importantly, is it worth it? Would it bring happiness?
8. Lastly, because you’re not a robot
Even robots come with batteries.
The truth is that this grind culture is a pathway towards eventual burnout.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy.”
And all that can be said is that ‘it’s now time for the grind to stop.’