6 Ways To Thank The Delivery Heroes Who Have Been Unstoppable In Doing Their Duty

Needhi Roy

Grand gestures are nice. However sometimes even the smallest act of kindness can light a fire of joy in someone’s soul. Like saying ‘Thank You’ with all the warmth in our hearts. 

The last year and a half have herded us into a collective realisation of all those people, relationships, and conveniences in life that were taken for granted. Just like the delivery executives who are our unsung, everyday heroes. In these unprecedented times, while we are saving the world by staying at home, these delivery heroes are fighting the sun and rain alongside the pandemic to make sure we have what we need. 

So let us take a moment to show them gratitude in the simplest of ways. Here are 6 things you can do.  

1. Greet them 

Even if it’s with your doors half-opened and with a mask because of maintaining a safe distance, you can greet the delivery executives by saying something kind or maybe even by paying them a compliment. 

2. Leave them cold treats 

With the sizzling temperatures running outside, the least we can do is to offer our delivery heroes a power bar, snack or a cold water bottle. Even without the extreme weather conditions, it’s a good habit to do this. 

3. Always tip them

Another great way to show your delivery person some love is by tipping them when they deliver your important package. This is the least we can do. 

4. Give them a good rating  

Lifting the spirits of the delivery person coming to drop off your package is one of the best and the most thoughtful things you can do. Give them a five-star rating when you’re genuinely pleased, or a rating based on your satisfaction because it will only help them be mindful of areas which need improvement.

5. Gift them masks and sanitisers 

There’s no better way to show gratitude to someone, than by caring for them. So you can look out for the delivery heroes by placing a basket near your gate with N95s and bottles of sanitisers so they can take what they need. 

6. Don’t forget to say ‘Thank You’ 

Finally, no matter how caught up you are, or what mood you’re in, never forget to say ‘Thank You’ to your delivery executive. You have no idea the effect these two words can have on someone who is working probably harder than us so that we’re safe at home. 

This is why Flipkart is taking the initiative to remind us to say ‘Thank You’ to them. In their video, Flipkart is putting out the idea of #CelebratingDeliveryHeroes, by being full of gratitude towards them. Whether it’s delivering safety products and essential goods like the N95 masks, sanitisers and a steam machine or the crayons that we require to finish the last-minute school project — our delivery heroes are unstoppable. Check out the video below. 

So next time your bell rings, don’t forget to say ‘Thank You’ to your heroes! 

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